Monday, January 07, 2008

While I was away......... garden grew!!!!!

We have peas!!

My Mum grew this from a cutting she took from the first flowers my DH gave to me.

Beetroot just starting to swell.

The tomatoes have just gone crazy. I counted about a dozen tiny ones today.

Hannah got her ears pierced a few days ago while we were away and is very happy.

This is our first salad from the garden. Lettuce leaves, radish and some tiny celery stalks. I addded some shop bought tomatoes, mushrooms and grated parmesan and it was just gorgeous.

The kids were playing "bars", serving each other drinks and paying for them. We got a picnic set with plastice wineglasses for Christmas and the kids love using them. They fill them with milk and call it white wine! lol

1 comment:

Susan Harwood said...


My name is Susan Harwood.

I'm contacting people who list ‘unschooling’ as an interest on their 'blogger's profile' (especially those who are interested in 'the environment').

I have a new blog called


It is concerned with the environment, building, architecture, politics and education.

It can be found at

It is in its very early stages just yet - so comments will be especially welcome!

Yours sincerely

Susan Harwood