Saturday, January 12, 2008

Maintaining a small house.

Trying to get the house and us back into some sort of order since we got back is proving to be quite a mission.
I usually try not to worry too much about housework as there's only so much time in the day and I have other things I would much rather be doing.
But, when we have been away for a week there is obviously HEAPS of laundry to do as well as the usual daily stuff and it takes me a while to get it back under control.
I must admit to dreaming of a house that is SO sorted that it just about takes care of itself, but I feel that I might have to wait for a few more years for that. Our house is really tiny (just 2 bedrooms and one bath for 4 people) and we have quite a bit of stuff. My sister says to have a big purge and get rid of heaps but I like our stuff and I want to keep it. I just want some more space for it.
We are waiting for a double garage that will be half playroom for us and this will be an enormous help. We will be able to have all the play things, art & craft supplies - in fact everything that clutters up the house will be out there......leaving a beautiful roomy, easy-to-tidy house.
IN MY DREAMS!!!!!!!! : )

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