The last few days have been really sunny and I've been doing what many others around the country have been doing - mowing grass.
This is most unusual for me as in all my 38 years I have never mown!
This was due to my arthritis but, as I seem to be having a bit of a remission (dare I actually say it - hope I don't jinx it!), and my DH is laid up with ruptured Achilles, I/we thought that I could give it a go.
Well, I really love it. We have a huge lawn (not in the slightest bit flat either) and it has only had one spring cut so far so it's pretty long in places.
I intend to do some each day so I can keep on top of it while DH is out of action and so far I've done some on Saturday, Sunday and today. No pain bar a tiny tender spot on the ball of my thumb where I was really pushing against the push bar thing (what do you call it anyway?).
I'm looking forward to doing more tomorrow cos it looks really nice out there now and I want to finish it.....which of course I never will because when I think it's done, I'll have to start all over again. LOL
I'll wait til I've done a bit more before I take any photos so it looks real good.
Well, not much about the kids today. They played with school friends (6 year old girl & 8 year old boy) after school today while the Mum and I (who are good friends) sat in the sun and chatted for an hour or so. It was lovely and the kids played really well together.
As I type this DD9 is in her room watching a DVD of Scrubs (she loves this show), DS8 is watching Angry Beavers on Nick and DH has just hobbled out on his crutches and kindly finished making my cup of tea for me.